Marissa Q. Paine International

Breathwork for

Women Making Shift Happen

3rd MOnday of every Month
at 3:00pm CT

You’re Invited to join Master Shift Strategist & Breathwork Trainee Marissa Q. Paine for an intimate gathering and facilitated introduction to the power of breathwork.

Marissa Q. Paine

What is Breathwork?


Breathwork is

a relaxing and healing form of meditation using the God-given power of stillness and your own breath.


With the support of a certified facilitator,

you will be taught an open and intentional type of breathing that allows you to tap into an inner peace and higher level of consciousness typically unavailable in the rush of our busy lives.


The addition of music

will allow you to sink into the mind, body, spirit connection you need most in that moment. Plus, receive the added support of Coach Marissa and the confidential community she draws.

Marissa Q. Paine

As you lean into you next big shift, breathwork can help you:

Frequently Asked Questions

Dress comfortably. Like you’re headed to yoga or a walk in the park.

Prior to our meeting, please have set up: a mat on the floor with a blanket and a pillow/bolster for under your knees. If it’s a yoga mat, please add a blanket or comforter on top of it, to make it more comfortable. No pillow is required under your head.

Also, have an eye-mask and headphones ready (if you have them). If you don’t have headphones, you can use earbuds, but headphones are much better.

I would also recommend having a journal/ pad and something to write with, nearby.

Computer, Tablet or SmartPhone & Wifi Connection. A quiet location of your choice w/your camera-enabled. I will need to be able to see you breathing, so make sure there will be space for your phone, tablet or laptop to be near you.

If you are under the care of a physician and/or psychiatrist for any conditions, we advise you to speak with your provider before engaging in this or any new activity. Participants will be asked to sign a waiver indicating their fitness to participate at the beginning of the session.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Copyright © 2024 Marissa Q. Paine International – www.marissaqpaine.com