28 Day Clear on Your Core Challenge

Hey there, I have a simple; yet deeply profound question for you...


discover who you really are?

You know what I mean by that, right? If you can envision that classic scene in the movie The Lion King where Simba sees Mufasa’s image reflecting back at him in the stream and hears his father’s melodic voice saying, “Remember who you are?”; then you’ll know you’re on the path to understanding what I’m asking.
Stated differently, when did you get really comfortable being your full and authentic self? When did you know with confidence and conviction what you were created to do (and not do) on this earth? And when did you start doing that unapologetically, despite your own fears, perceived limitations and insecurities?

I'll wait.

I know it’s a lot to take in.


BE honest?

We all know that having a strong sense of self is a prerequisite for boldly conquering fear and making the shifts we need to step fully into our greatness. Yet it is well documented that even the most powerful of women often lack the fundamental confidence that comes from knowing who they are at their core and appreciating the value they bring to the world.

We may look good on the outside, but inside there is often a raging war of insecurity, self-doubt, imposter syndrome and unworthiness. 

And yes, I know we’ve all got “a story” to explain why we may be allowing things to hold us back from fully living into our dreams and desires, but respectfully, I’m not really interested in the why.

Because I was born to help you with the HOW!

As in, HOW to get over it.
HOW to move on.
HOW to Make Shift Happen!


The Life Shift 101®: Get Clear on Your Core Challenge was designed to center you on what matters most and position you for success as you prepare to make your next bold move in life.

It all begins at the core.

Marissa Q. Paine - Life Shift 101

Hi there, I'm

marissa q paine

founder of Marissa Q. Paine International and creator of The Life Shift Method™, a proven process for rediscovering who you are, where you want to be and how to get there.

The Life Shift Method™ and the courses and coaching methodologies that support it were birthed out of my own journey to claw my way out of a mediocre life that was beneath my potential, not just once or in one area, but time-and-time again and in multiple areas of my life!

I’ve used the Life Shift Method™ to shift:

Intrigued? You should be! Because
I assure you, if I can do it, you can too!


Get Clear on Your Core Challenge

is a 28-Day guided soul immersion designed to help you rediscover who you are at your core and gain clarity around the magnificence you were born to share with the world.

It is the prerequisite for all other Life Shift programs and the foundation for making shift happen in your life.

Whether you’re a powerful entrepreneur, a hard-working executive or just the awesome girl-next-door, all roads lead to Life Shift 101 when you are preparing to make a change in your life because in the words of Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know (who you are or) where you’re going, it doesn’t matter how you get there.”


is for you if you’ve ever found yourself saying:

In just 28-Days you’ll

be crystal clear on who you are

& the value you bring to the world!

Marissa Q. Paine

PLUS, you’ll do it alongside a community of other like-minded women who are also ready to make shift happen in their life, AND it will all be guided by your favorite Life Shift Coach, Marissa Q. Paine!

The Next Life Shift Challenge Begins February 15, 2022

WHAT TO expect

Week 1 - Life Shift 101


As you prepare to make a shift in your own life, it’s important to have clarity around who you are at your core. During Week One, you will reconnect with your story like you’ve never done before! You will examine the life moments that have shaped who you are and what they were sent to teach you. By the end of this module, you will have a better understanding of the meaning in your story and how it can help those you currently (or desire) to serve.
Week 2 - Life Shift 101


After reconnecting with your story and identifying the powerful lessons you’ve learned, you will begin to see yourself differently. Knowing who you are beyond the titles, groups, obligations, and expectations of others is essential to being all that you were created to be! During Week Two, you will challenge the labels, roles, and relationships that have become part of your identity. By the end of this week, you will embrace your core identities and determine which roles and relationships in your life may need to shift.
Week 3 - Life Shift 101


Once you’ve declared who you are and defined what that means to you, it’s time to take a stand based on what you believe. During Week Three, you will reconnect with your core values by recognizing those deeply rooted beliefs that drive you to action and motivate you on a daily basis. If honored, our values determine how we spend our time as we share our gifts with the world. By the end of this module, you will be able to easily identify your strengths and how well you’re honoring what matters most to you.
Week 4 - Life Shift 101


In this final week we come full circle and connect your life stories to a clearly defined mission statement. We know that everything was created for a reason and every invention has an intention, you are no different! During Week Four, you will discover the power of your identity and how your values and strengths are directly connected to your mission and purpose. By the end of this 28-day journey, you will be able to declare your mission and purpose in a way you’ve never done before! This is the clarity your next shift has been waiting for!

What’s Included When You Join the Challenge:

Total Value - $1,750
Total Investment - $750
