Storme Gray, Executive Director, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
“It’s never solely about the work. This is what I learned from working with Marissa Q. Paine,” says Storme Gray, executive director of Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP).
When EPIP went through a change in leadership, Storme was named interim director She was no stranger to hard work. She was used to bringing greatness into the world by being a change catalyst and a way maker. She brought out the best in others with her compassionate candor, but this was her first time leading at this level and she felt she needed support. In this new role, she was unsure of her leadership style and how authentic she should be.
To serve at her highest potential, Storme wanted a strategic partner, someone who could not only assist her with the demands of her new role but could also help her decide if this was a role she wanted long term if offered the position permanently.
“Marissa helped to create the perfect Storme,” she says.
As Storme grew into the role Marissa challenged her, “She made me think.” Marissa questioned Storme on the type of leader she wanted to be. “It wasn’t about creating a whole new person; it was about flexing into uncomfortable areas to serve at a greater capacity,” Storme adds.
In the throes of Marissa‘s process, Storme was able to develop and respond to the call. Storme saw herself beyond whom she thought she was.
Marissa created opportunities to reflect back to Storme what she said she wanted in her life and in the new role. Marissa also reminded Strome to fully embrace her vision and to put action behind her words. This included revealing to Storme how who she is as a woman impacts how she shows up professionally.
“She saw the fullness in me as a person and not just as a leader. Her coaching is asset-based rather than deficit-based. She saw the woman first and the business second. She nurtured all of me.”
Storme expanded Marissa’s role to include assessments and leadership coaching to the board.
Eventually, Storme was officially offered the position of executive director and she felt ready to make her mark. “I see Marissa as an integral part of my team,” she says.
“I feel more capable and confident in my leadership in a way that I hadn’t before. Marissa showed me that there is nothing wrong with how I lead. I feel transformed and more inflow,” she says.
The Shift: You learning that it’s all connected. Your personal life impacts how you work. It’s ok to lead through your full self and make a plan for expansion in areas where you are unsure.
As my coach and leader, Storme concludes, “I am never letting her go.”