Are you wrestling with whether
or not it’s time to make that next

big Shift?

Take the Life + Biz Shift Clarifier Quiz to see what holding back is really costing you.

Let’s get right to it, shall we?

The reason you haven’t seen “it” done before now is because you haven’t done it… yet!

Girl, that big dream, that bold vision, the audacity to make that move — yeah, it’s supposed to happen.

You know that, right?

You believe in it, heart and soul; even if it has you shaking in your boots a little… It’s just that the timing of it all, the nuts and bolts, the exact next steps of how to make it all happen feels so elusive, hard to access and downright impossible sometimes.

It’s all so complicated and the stakes are just too high, right?


Listen, whatever big Shift is on the horizon for you —
a pivot in your organization, a redefined look at your definition of success, or finally making shift happen and turning that bold vision into your reality —

know that it's


But knowing what you want to do and how to actually make shift happen is different question altogether.

That’s where we come in.

MPQI is dedicated to helping you holistically answer the “how” question in emotionally-safe, the provoking and supportive spaces.

We know that Shift will require the skills of trusted and experienced guide who can lead you through the practical and emotional realities that come with change.

With the highest standard of ethics and excellence, we put YOU at center your own success and partner with you until actually make that Shift happen, even if you’ve tried before and failed; even if obstacles seem insurmountable; and especially the vulnerable and the sharing your whole truth makes you uncomfortable.

You, my friend, have landed

in the right





Because no two shifts are alike, MQPI offers diverse ways to support your shift including: Online Courses, Group Programs & Private Coaching

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Ready to Shift

But Not Sure Where to Start?