Lakisha Dean / Shift Profile

When accountability turns into inspiration

Lakisha Dean, Attorney, The Law Offices of Lakisha Dean

Lakisha Dean, a family law attorney, met Marissa Q. Paine when they were both a part of the same high-level mastermind. They were assigned to each other as accountability buddies. LaKisha was prepared to check-in and be “accountable” but what she got was a life lesson on personal responsibility that inspired her beyond her expectations.

Early into their accountability experience, LaKisha noticed something about Marissa.

“There is nothing superficial about her,” she says.

During their time together, LaKisha got to witness Marissa’s coaching style up close and personal. She quickly learned that Marissa’s form of accountability was much more direct and more about doing what you say you’re going to do. She also learned that this was not going to be a check-the- box style partnership.

“She challenges the way you think,” says Lakisha. “She forces you to dig deep to uncover what is subconsciously at play because that’s where the work is.”

Lakisha dubbed Marissa the “truth-teller” for the way Marissa held helped her truly outline her dreams. Marissa didn’t allow Lakisha to stick to the same narratives that were beneath her talent and her expertise.

Through their time today rising up to their highest levels, Lakisha watched Marissa come to terms with her own level of fulfillment in business. During this time, Marissa took a sabbatical to reassess her life and business only to emerge more grounded and more determined to acquire her best self.

“When life around her was not what she envisioned, she took a couple of steps back to make it so. She set the example of how to show up. She doesn’t run from her mess or the pain of it.”

Lakisha was there to witness it all and by doing so she unknowingly gave Marissa the power to speak into her life in a much more profound way.

It was more than accountability. It was community. And what Lakisha received, in turn, was a companion who was not only holding her feet to the fire but also inspiring her to go all-in on herself.

The Shift: You have to dig deep enough to get to the truth— the uncomfortable, inconvenient, sometimes messy truth. The truth does not live on the surface and if you continue to speak from your head where you think your desire lives, you end up with a life that doesn’t suit you.

“Working with Marissa gave me the fuel I needed to keep showing up with faith… and truth.”